In the start Howieson Farm only produced dried apricots and peaches which were sold in bulk to Angas Park, when they were bought out by an overseas company we decided to market our dried fruit direct to customers and also offer fresh stone fruit for sale as well.
We now cut and dry any surplus apricots and Elberta peaches, so our customers can have a taste of summer during the year.
Did you know that you can gently simmer dried apricots or peaches? Before long they become plump, almost back to the size they were before they were dried! Try adding a vanilla bean or some cinnamon while simmering and ‘hey presto’ you have a summer desert in the middle of winter.
Any seconds dried fruit is not wasted as we turn it into jam or treats so we really do have minimal waste.
Any surplus fresh apricots are cut and dried to satisfy those customers who enjoy dried fruits as a snack.
Our Mystery apricots are packed with flavour, and they are an excellent variety to dry, as well as eat fresh and make into jam!
We dry our apricots late December into January and they are ready for sale by early February.

To add to our range of produce, we have Apricot and Peach Treats made from our dried fruit – with no added sugar! Just lightly rehydrated dried fruit that is put through a mincer, then cut up and dusted in coconut. Nice and simple, without the addition of colours, flavours, thickeners and all the other stuff that you’ll find in the supermarket versions.
Having been lightly rehydrated, the fruit treats are a bit softer than our dried fruit.
To ensure we don’t have much waste, our seconds dried fruit is transformed into jam that is full of flavour. We make both Dried Apricot Jam and Dried Peach Jam, with the Dried Apricot being the most popular due to the intense apricot flavour. Our Dried Peach Jam has a more subtle flavour that is enhanced with the addition of cinnamon and just a hint of cloves.
In 2017 we added Blood Orange Marmalade to our range due to a surplus of Blood oranges harvested. When life gives you Blood oranges – make marmalade! It is a sweet marmalade with a good amount of peel in the mix.